ENV6935 (Class Number 12882, 12885, 12906) Grad Env Engr Seminar – Air Pollution Seminar, Fall 2022-Wildland Fires: Research to Enhance Our Understanding Indoor Air Exposures

Date(s) - 11/02/2022
4:05 PM - 4:55 PM


Zoom Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/94232192891

Title: Wildland Fires: Research to Enhance Our Understanding Indoor Air Exposures

Speaker: Beth Hassett-Sipple, US EPA

Seminar lectures on contemporary topics and historical development in the areas of air resources (e.g., low-cost sensors, COVID-19, indoor air, organic aerosol, wildfire) by scholars, professionals, and graduate researchers. A 30-min presentation followed by a 15-min Q&A.  Come and engage to explore hot topics related to air resources!

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