Emission and Fate of Semi volatile organic compounds across indoor and outdoor environments: a cross-scale, system-of-systems view

Date(s) - 02/13/2023
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM


zoom link: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/96035049694?pwd=N2cyZ29IcmJkWnVxc1B2R25BS2hkZz09

Speaker: Chenyang Bi, PH,D

Postdoctoral Associate

Virginia Tech

Indoor environments tend to have high concentrations of
condensable gases (“semi-volatile organic compounds”, SVOCs),
which are widely used in building materials and consumer
products. The SVOCs, many of which are endocrine disruptors or
otherwise toxic, may permeate out of materials into indoor air,
partition onto indoor surfaces, and consequently result in human
exposure. These airborne organics, once ventilated to the outdoor
environment, may serve as fuel to form secondary organic aerosol
and ultimately impact the climate. Therefore, a complete study of
the SVOC fate across all phases and through multiple spatial scales
is necessary to fully understand and predict the influences of
building-related emissions on climate and human health.
In this seminar, Dr. Bi will start with his work on measuring and
modeling SVOC emission, transport, and the consequence human
exposure at the source and building scales. He will then talk about
modeling the atmospheric deposition of organics via precipitation
at the regional and global scales and the influence of deposition on
atmospheric oxidations. He will also discuss a system-of-systems
modeling framework, which can be used to connect indoor and
outdoor environments and further connect the air quality system
with a wide range of social, economic, and environmental systems.
He will conclude the talk with brief future research plans to
understand the role of building physical systems in modulating the
emission and transport of aerosol-forming gases to the

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